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    Forest Green Rovers win climate change award in New York

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    By Stacey Budd
    28 Sep 2018
    Forest Green Rovers win climate change award in New York - Image 1

    The world’s greenest football club has been presented with the Momentum for Change climate action award in New York. FGR received the award in the Climate Neutral Now category, after being recognised by the United Nations as the first carbon neutral football club in the world.

    Chairman and Ecotricity Founder Dale Vince spoke at the Climate Week event, discussing the club’s unique approach to greening up football – which includes a vegan menu, an organic pitch, electric car charging points, solar panels and a lawnmower that runs on green energy from the sun.

    Dale Vince said, “We’re pretty chuffed to have this recognition from the United Nations for our work in promoting sustainability through sport.

    “Plenty of people doubted we could make this improbable combination of a football club and the environment work, but it’s proven to be a powerful combination.”

    Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, Patricia Espinosa said, “These activities shine a light on scalable climate action around the world. They are proof that climate action isn’t only possible, it’s innovative, it’s exciting and it makes a difference.”

    The UN’s Momentum for Change initiative was set up to recognise projects that are working towards a low carbon future. It’s part of a wider effort to act on the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, in order to create a more sustainable future.

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