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    By Jess Saunders
    17 Sep 2018
    Cracking the Code - Image 1

    We’re always looking for ways to improve our app and online account services to make it quick and easy for our customers to manage their energy – and for this we need great web developers.

    It’s an opportunity for us to help our people develop their professional skills, as Jen Hoskins from the Technolgy & Transformation Team has been doing. We sent Jen on a course where, for the past three months, she’s been learning all about the magical world of web development.  

    With our very own digital wizard due to return soon, we caught up with her to find out more.

    Please introduce yourself and tell us what you do at Ecotricity.

    My name’s Jen and I’ve worked at Ecotricity for three and a half years as part of the Web Team.  I’ve taken care of customer accounts on our tools, published some of our online content, tested the website and our apps, and helped resolve customer problems online. I’m currently taking part in the DevelopMe_ coding fellowship in order to become a developer.

    What have you been learning about on your course?

    I’ve been learning a bit about all sorts of front-end and back-end technologies, from HTML and CSS, to JavaScript and PHP, and more in between. Essentially, a wide base of knowledge that I’m hoping I get to expand upon when I get back to the office!

    How will your new coding skills help you in your new role?

    I think trying to become a developer without having been on this fellowship would have been a huge uphill struggle. Getting the opportunity to do this will end up being a huge boost on my way to getting to work in an area I find absolutely fascinating.

    How will this help our customers?

    Having a strong team of developers at Ecotricity will help us to build a good, solid online service for our customers. Having all our services available online means that our customers will find it quicker and easier to interact with us—from submitting a meter reading to moving house, it should be simple for people to administer their accounts.

    How can coding help Ecotricity become greener?

    The more we can do online, the less we have to do on paper. Everyone knows that’s a good thing for the planet. But it’s important we remember that just because something’s high-tech, doesn’t mean it’s more ethical.

    Moving more and more infrastructure online means more and more electricity consumption by the servers that power the internet. That means it’s more important than ever that the proportion of electricity in the world that’s renewable keeps increasing.

    We also need to seriously consider the environmental impact of mining for rare earth metals that go into our computers, tablets and phones. It’s irresponsible to be technology consumers without trying to change the way the materials that go into our gadgets are extracted.

    What has been the biggest challenge on the course?

    The biggest challenge for me so far has been learning the JavaScript framework Redux. We were told when we starting learning about it that it takes seasoned developers months to come to grips with it, and we had one week! In retrospect I can see why it takes people so long – fingers crossed one day it’ll sink in.

    What has been the best bit?

    I think the best bits of the course so far have been every single time I’ve learned the answer to something I’ve always wondered about the internet—and that’s happened a fair bit!

    What are you excited to code when you finish and come back to the Ecotricity offices?

    I don’t know if or when I’m going to get to, but I’m pretty excited about eventually working on our online account website and app. I’d love the chance to get my hands on it again to help keep improving it.

    You can sign up for the online account or download the Ecotricity app here.

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