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    Bircher muesli for National Vegetarian Week

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    By Jess Saunders
    18 May 2018
    Bircher muesli for National Vegetarian Week - Image 5

    To continue celebrating National Vegetarian Week, here’s a great vegan version of the classic breakfast, bircher muesli. It’s super healthy, only takes 15 minutes to prepare (then overnight in the fridge) and is perfect for the working week.

    The traditional Swiss recipe combines oats, raw apples, condensed milk, nuts and lemon juice. Its creator, Dr Bircher-Benner, found that it radically improved the health of many of his patients. This recipe is even healthier as it’s made completely from vegan ingredients.

    Thanks to our friends, Vegan Punks, for sharing this one with us, and don’t forget to check out the video below to see this recipe come to life.

    Serves 1 – you can double, triple or quadruple the quantities to make a big batch

    Time: 15 minutes then in the fridge overnight, or at least for 3-4 hours


    1/2 cup oats
    1 tbsp chia seeds
    1/4 apple – grated
    1 tbsp almonds – chopped coarsely
    2 tsp pumpkin seeds
    1 tsp sunflower seeds
    1 cup almond milk (also works with other non-dairy milks)
    2 tbsp raisins


    1. Put everything into a jar
    2. Stir up really well and leave in the fridge overnight
    3. For a really colourful and healthy breakfast, top the muesli with berries of your choice, we went with strawberries and blueberries this time.

    There’s also a video below, showing just how easy this handy recipe is. By making reductions to the amount of meat or dairy in your diet, you’re actively helping in the fight against climate change. You can do even more too, by switching to a green energy supplier. Make the food you eat and the energy you use be a part of the green solution, switch to Ecotricity today.

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