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    By Daisy Botha
    4 Feb 2019
    Vegan Nutella - Image 1

    Our Meat Free Monday recipe this week is for a delicious vegan Nutella alternative from our friends over at Vegan Punks. It’s super quick and easy to make, so you’ll have a hazelnutty, chocolatey topping for your toast in no time!


    250g roasted hazelnuts

    25g cacao or cocoa powder

    120ml non-dairy milk

    2 tbsp vanilla extract

    5 tbsp maple syrup

    ¼ tsp salt


    Rub the hazelnuts between a couple of pieces of damp kitchen roll to get the skins off. Put the hazelnuts in a blender or food processor, and blend until you have smooth hazelnut butter. Add all the other ingredients to the blender and blend until everything is mixed and smooth. Taste and see if you need to add more of any of the ingredients to make it sweeter or more chocolatey. Pop it in a jar ready to enjoy!

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