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Westonbirt Schools inspired by green future after Ecotricity switch

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By Max Boon
14 Nov 2018
Westonbirt Schools inspired by green future after Ecotricity switch - Image 1

The leading independent prep and senior schools at Westonbirt have taken the next step in their sustainable journey by switching to Britain’s greenest energy company, Ecotricity, who provide 100% green electricity generated from the wind and the sun.

The schools celebrated the switch by inviting Ecotricity’s principal ecologist Simon Pickering along to the school to talk to pupils about the company and its work to create a Green Britain.

Students were fascinated by the talk and were very interested in how they can play their part to create a more environmentally friendly future.

Westonbirt Schools, based near Tetbury in Gloucestershire, take issues around the environment and sustainability seriously and have a sixth form eco-committee who look into solutions for better recycling and environmental sustainability at the schools. They no longer use single-use plastic and aim to recycle most waste in separated recycling bags.

Westonbirt chief operating officer, Mr. Steve Kenny, said: “Our switch to Ecotricity is an important milestone in our plan to become a more sustainable site. Involving our students in the process and discussing learning outcomes was an important step.”

Simon Pickering, principal ecologist at Ecotricity, said: “It was brilliant to visit the school and talk more about what we do as a company to create a Green Britain. The pupils were really engaged and hopefully we’ll be able to work together going forwards to develop the environmentalists of the future.

“Switching to green energy is one of the biggest things – and the easiest things – that any organisation can do to cut the emissions that cause climate change.

“By switching to green energy, Westonbirt Schools will reduce the environmental impact of their own operations, while supporting Britain’s energy independence and the green economy.”

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