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    Top tips for saving on your gas bill

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    By Simon Swinbank
    28 Mar 2018
    Top tips for saving on your gas bill - Image 3

    Winter may be officially over, but the cold weather doesn’t seem to agree. Repeated attacks by the ‘Beast from the East’ have seen many of us cranking up our gas-fired heating systems. And with a potential third beastly attack of the cold due soon, many people might be concerned about the impact all this heating may have on their energy bills.

    Well, there are some simple ways to save on your gas usage without leaving it turned off. There are some quick wins, and a few things you need to invest in for cheaper bills in the long run.

    The little things

    • Bleed your radiators to make sure you’re getting the full amount of heat possible. If you’re unsure whether this needs to be done, see how warm it is at the top compared to the bottom. If it’s colder at the top, then you should bleed it

    • Closing curtains just before dark will reduce heat loss through the glass. The heavier and thicker the better

    • If you cook with gas, small changes can save money too. Boil water in a kettle first and use a lid to retain more heat. The gas can then be turned down to get the same effect.

    • If you have a hot water tank, get an insulating jacket for it. The water will heat up quicker and retain the heat for much longer

    • Make sure to seal gaps around windows and doors – self-adhesive foam strips are a cheap insulating solution

    • Fitting shelves above radiators directs warm air into the room. And placing foil behind radiators, on exterior walls, reduces the heat loss to outside.

    Big things for bigger savings

    • Replace old for new. If your boiler's getting on a bit – we're talking 15 years-old – you're missing some major savings on your fuel bills. Using a high efficiency condensing boiler with heating controls could save you around one third of your heating bills straight away. If you install the right heating controls, you could save up to 40% off your bills

    • Insulate your walls as it’s the most cost-effective way to save energy around the home - up to 33 per cent of the heat in your home is lost through the walls

    • Double glazing can be expensive initially, but once fitted can mean great savings on your energy bills. For a cheaper, short-term alternative, you can tape polythene across window frames.

    Some of these changes are obviously more expensive than others, and will take longer for the initial cost to be recovered in savings. But it’s worth considering, as energy efficiency has a massive impact on the size of bills. For more tips on how you can make savings, check out our Energy Saving Advice. You can also get further information from Energy Saving Trust.

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