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    Save energy this January

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    By Jess Saunders
    12 Jan 2018
    Save energy this January - Image 1

    The winter months are dragging on, and with the festive season over you might be feeling the pinch.

    So we’ve come up with some handy hints to help you take control of your energy costs this January.

    • Save power - by only filling up the kettle with the amount of water you need, you could save around £7 a year on your energy bills.

    • Shrink your bills, not your clothes - 90% of a washing machine's energy use comes from heating the water, so washing your clothes at 30°C could save you around £9 per year.

    • Turn it off - the Energy Saving Trust estimate that by turning appliances off stand-by, an average household could save up to £30 a year.

    • Be efficient with cooking – if you’re going to use the oven, bake a few meals at a time to get the most out of having it on.

    • Switch it off - turning off lights when you're not using them could save you £7 a year.

    • Make the most of your fridge space - try to keep your fridge and freezer as full as you can. It takes more energy to cool the gaps.

    • Wear the right clothes – keeping warm in an extra layer means you can reduce the thermostat in your home. Turning it down by one degree could cut your heating bills by up to 10% and save you around £85 a year.

    Getting your energy from a green energy supplier is the single biggest thing you can do for the environment - and if you follow these energy saving tips too, you'll be a true eco-champion! 

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