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    Put on your Vegan Apron

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    By Jess Saunders
    24 Mar 2018
    Put on your Vegan Apron  - Image 7

    Food is a key part of our mission to make Britain greener. With energy and transport, it all together makes up 80% of our carbon footprint. The environmental benefit of a vegan diet is well known, with animal agriculture accounting for more global greenhouse gas emissions than all transportation combined.

    But it can be daunting and seem like a big change, so our new friends at Vegan Apron sent us some of their recipe boxes to try out.

    Their aim is to help you cook inspiring plant-based meals by delivering awesome boxes filled with ingredients directly to your door. They want to take the faff out of the food shop, perfect if you feel pressed for time. And with recipe cards included, the boxes are perfect for trying out a plant-based diet.

    We tested out a few recipes - the superfood salad, peking jackfruit pancakes, seitan and date stew, chocolate torte and a carrot and almond cake. All of which took under 30 minutes to prepare and were super simple and really tasty.

    The recipe cards are really simple – one side displays the ingredients list and the other contains the method. All your ingredients are pre-measured, labelled and then placed into paper bags to distinguish what ingredient is for which recipe. The cardboard box is 100% recyclable and most of the packaging is 100% compostable and biodegradable too.

    Michelle from our Web Team made the chocolate tortes:

    "The pudding was wonderful - extremely rich and very tasty. I have quite a lot of hand pain due to chronic illness, but it was fine and the recipe was well explained and easy to follow. I was really impressed by the packaging which I could recycle or compost."

    You can find out more about Vegan Apron and place your first order here.

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