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My Vegan Week (part 2)

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By Jess Saunders
23 Jan 2018
My Vegan Week (part 2) - Image 1

Last week, Beth from our social media team gave the plant-based lifestyle a try. Here’s how she got on with being vegan for a week:

Why have you decided to give Veganuary a try?

Curiosity mostly, I’m a huge foodie and love to cook. I wanted to see if it was easy to swap meat and dairy for vegan alternatives, and if the food I’d be eating would still be as exciting and flavoursome as the food I was used to.

How have you found your week?

Surprisingly easy, but it has involved some planning. I’ve had to write a meal plan and stick to it – which normally fails. As we drink oat milk anyway I’ve only had to substitute the butter and yogurt, I decided to avoid cheese all together! I’ve really enjoyed cooking and even tried tofu and jackfruit – both exceeded my expectations.

What was your diet like before your week of being vegan?

I’ve never had a poor diet, I like most foods and would eat pretty much anything. I’ve noticed how much processed food I eat though, and how little veg I was eating!

What’s been the best and worst thing about going vegan for a week?

The best thing has been trying new flavours and cooking really fresh, tasty food. I’ve made a wicked curry and loved having a decent breakfast – something I wasn’t giving myself time for beforehand.

Have you found that you’ve felt any different?

I’ve slept better for sure, but I’ve been drinking more water so it could be that I’m less dehydrated. And I’ve lost a couple of pounds too, which is always a good thing after Christmas.

What was your favourite meal?

Jackfruit Chilli! It was quick, simple and super scrummy. I didn’t expect to like it and the texture of the jackfruit was so similar to pulled pork that you couldn’t tell it was meatless.

What have you learned?

I’ve learned that planning meals doesn’t limit my choices. Planning has saved money and cuts down on waste too.  I can eat pretty much the same as I did before (or even better) just by substituting a few bits.

Would you now consider going vegan, or cutting animal products out of your diet?

I’m definitely going to cut down on my meat and dairy intake, and continue to have plant-based meals for breakfast and lunch. Dinner may be a challenge when my parents cook at home but I’ll do my best. I’ve really enjoyed this week and recommend that everyone should give it a go.

Watch the video about Beth's vegan week here:

If you want to follow in Beth’s footsteps and take the vegan pledge then check out

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