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    Start saving money on your energy bills using the features of your smart meter.

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    By Jess Saunders
    13 Sept 2018
    Four ways you could be saving money with a Smart meter  - Image 1

    Having a Smart meter installed won’t instantly save you money – but if you’re savvy, and make use of the features of having a Smart meter, you could soon start saving money on your energy bills.

    Use your head

    When we talk about saving money with your Smart meter, it’s actually the In-Home Display – or IHD – that’s your new best friend.

    An IHD is a device about the size of a mobile phone that connects to your Smart meter and tells you how much energy you’re using, and how much it’s costing you at any one time. 

    It’s good to get into the habit of checking your IHD before leaving the house or going to sleep – you can make sure that all the appliances have been switched off that you might have forgotten.

    Knowledge is power

    Knowing how much energy you’re using gives you the chance to reduce it. You can use your IHD to see how efficient your devices are, and replace or get rid of the least efficient.

    You might find that even small changes make a big difference – you could save around £75 a year just by turning your thermostat down by one degree.

    No more estimated bills

    Your Smart meter will send your energy supplier readings automatically, so you’ll always receive accurate bills. That means no more over estimated meter readings and bills – you’ll pay for the exact amount of energy that you’ve used.

    Think smart

    It could be worth investing in a Smart home device. You can usually link them with an app on your phone or tablet, and use it to remotely control your appliances – so you can turn things on and off remotely to stop energy from being wasted.

    For example, you can turn the heating on to have the house feeling toasty ready for when you get home, instead of leaving it on all day.

    Are you interested in having a Smart meter installed? If you’re an Ecotricity customer, let us know here.

    And if you're not a customer yet, you can find out more and get a quote here.

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