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    2018: A Face Odyssey

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    By Jess Saunders
    19 Jul 2018
    2018: A Face Odyssey - Image 1

    Ecotricity people love to deliver our green message every day. And we love that so many of them have rich and varied skills and talents. Phoebe works in our Home Moves department and has been with us for nearly two years. In that time, she’s also been running a fantastic face painting business which, luckily for us, means we get her great skills at a number of our events. We chatted with Phoebe recently to find out more.

    Tell us about your face painting business – when did you start it?

    It was about three years ago when my sister, who’s a face painter, recommended me for a job. I’d studied the makeup artistry course at Stroud college, but that was a few years earlier and I hadn’t picked up a brush in ages. I had to go online to buy a basic kit and practise like crazy before this event. I was so nervous and looking back, I’m sure my first designs were awful! From there though, I got booked for a few parties and events, but this year is the year it’s really taken off for me, especially being asked to do the events with Ecotricity and doing a face painting video for Country Living Magazine.

    What’s your favourite thing about face painting?

    I love the fact I have freedom to be creative, especially when I’m practising on myself. I can just sit down, put on some music, pick up the brush and let the design flow. It’s nice to get lost in the moment without worrying about anything else. Also, all the opportunities it’s opened for me and the events I’ve been able to go to, and of course all the lovely people I get to meet!

    How do you find balancing working at Ecotricity with your face painting?

    Usually I’m OK, but sometimes it can get a little tiring especially when I’ve been working full time in the week and then working both days at the weekend. It feels like I never stop, but in a way, I like that. I like to be busy and when it’s something you enjoy it doesn’t feel too much like work, so I just keep a positive outlook and remember to have some time for myself when I need it.

    What interesting designs can we look forward to?

    We’re keeping the theme very eco, so expect to see lots of Ecotricity green flags, some bumblebees and some pretty flower designs. Small but effective!

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