Priority services
If you have special requirements, such as relating to a chronic illness, disability, or young children, you can use this form to let us know.
If you'd rather not use the web, you can download a copy of the registration form and fill it in. Then post it to us FREEPOST at Freepost ECOTRICITY. Or if you'd rather speak to a real person, you can give us a call on 0345 555 7 100.
Passing on your details
To make sure you get the right help, we'll need to pass on the details you give us to your gas and electricity network operators, and the agents we send out to read and service your meters. Our regulator, Ofgem, will also need to know these details to ensure we're fulfilling our duties to our customers. There's a box to tick at the end of the form to let us know you're okay with this.