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Case studies

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Case Study

1 Stop Wash

Washing and drying clothes can be an energy intensive activity, and as such can have a huge impact on the environment. 1 Stop Wash is a laundry and dry cleaning SME based in Islington, North London, that’s doing it right. The company has chosen Ecotricity as its green energy supplier, so all the electricity that powers its washing machines, clothes driers, lighting and other equipment is generated sustainably using wind and sun power.

A truly green laundry service

With Ecotricity as its energy supplier, 1 Stop Wash has put sustainability at the forefront of its brand and markets itself as an eco dry cleaning and laundry service. At the same time, they make everything convenient for their customers. You book online to have your clothes washed, a driver picks them up, 1 Stop Wash cleans and dries them sustainably, and they’re delivered back to your door nice and fresh within 48 hours. They even clean dirty trainers.

Being sustainable wins customers

In addition, 1 Stop Wash runs a walk-in laundrette, and partners with restaurants, hotels and gyms, taking care of laundry in the corporate space. The company has found that consumers are looking for a green alternative, and that being able to point to their environmental credentials is important to their restaurant, hotel and gym clients.

To have that sustainable front and show our partners that we care about the environment as well is a big reason we went with Ecotricity.
Rohit Dhillon, Director, 1 Stop Wash

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