Ecotricity logotype 0345 555 7100
/Support/Make a complaint

Make a complaint

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If something goes wrong

1. Let us know

If something isn’t right, please give us a chance to correct things for you. Give us a call or send us an email to and we’ll do everything we can to fix things as quickly as possible. our average response time for email and app queries is 2 working days.

Give us a call on 01453 761482. We’re here Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm

Alternatively, if you are a business customer, please contact

If we find that we’ve made a mistake, we’ll hold our hands up, say sorry, take action to put things right, and give you a full explanation. Where appropriate, we’ll compensate you as a matter of course, and offer interest-free payment plans for any debt left outstanding too.

2. Customer Champion Team

If the issue hasn’t been resolved or you’re not happy with the solution and wish to raise a formal complaint, give us a call on 01453 761482, we’re here Monday to Friday 9am - 5:30pm, or email, or write to us (FAO Complaints, FREEPOST ECOTRICITY), or if you are a business, email and we’ll assign one of our expert investigators to work with you to reach a resolution. A formal complaint can be made at any stage of contacting us.

3. Internal Review

If you’re not happy with the response or progress of action agreed by your complaint handler you can ask to have your complaint escalated to one of our case managers.

4. Independent Help

It’s rare for problems to get to this stage, but if we’re not able to sort things out to your satisfaction within our internal process, then there are a number of different bodies you can go to for independent help depending on where you live:

England and Wales

Citizens Advice is the official source of free and independent energy advice and support in England and Wales. Citizens Advice Consumer Service is a government-funded telephone and online service offering information and advice on consumer issues. Go to or contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on 0808 223 1133 (England) and 0808 223 1144 (Wales).


Advice Direct Scotland is the official source of free and independent energy advice and support in Scotland. Go to or contact Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 196 8660.

Northern Ireland

Consumer Council is the official source of free and independent energy advice and support in Norther Ireland. Go to the Consumer Council on 0800 121 6022.

The Energy Supply Ombudsman is an independent body that adjudicates between customers and energy companies if your complaint is unresolved after eight weeks, or if you’ve been unable to reach a resolution with us and have been issued with the relevant signposting letter.

You can find contact details for independent help on our website.

5. Final Review

If you remain unhappy with the resolution we have offered then ask for your case to be escalated for a final review and if we feel we have done all we can we will issue you with the appropriate sign posting letter that will allow you to take your case to the energy Ombudsman.

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